Why Coffee is Getting More Expensive ☕️ 💷
To many, the energised feeling after that first-morning cup of coffee is priceless. But in reality, coffee does come with a price, and to the dismay of many, that price seems to be going up.
While instant coffee remains an inexpensive way to get caffeinated (at the sacrifice of a LOT of flavours), coffee beans have been steadily rising in price over the last few years. We’ve put together this article to explain why.
Environmental Factors are Increasing the Cost of Coffee
Climate change is one of the biggest issues currently facing the modern world, with many scientists in agreement that we’re hurtling toward the point of no return. Among the wider concerns of rising sea levels and loss of biodiversity, the impact of climate change on the environment is also affecting the availability of coffee.
Changes in climate have made it much harder for farms to produce truly as high-yielding harvests, meaning that supply is quite simply going down in many places. In particular, Brazil, one of the world’s foremost suppliers of coffee beans has suffered unprecedented frosts, followed by similarly high-impact droughts.
Increase in Demand for High-Quality Beans
In the past, coffee was simply fuel - a bitter, hot, brown liquid that powered a generation of office workers. These days, the modern coffee drinker is far more discerning about what they choose to fill their cup with.
Because of this, along with an increase in globalization, high-quality coffee beans have started to become the norm for many people’s morning mugs. However, this of course comes at a price and with people opting for higher quality beans, the cost of the average cup of coffee has increased.
Increased Labour Costs - Home and Away
There are various events that have affected supply chains for coffee all over the world. One of the primary negative impactors on shipping came in the form of the covid-19 pandemic, which caused massive disruption to global freight shipping in a very costly way.
For England in particular, Brexit has had a really tangible impact on lorry driving, which has of course caused delays and issues in the supply chain. This lack of ability to transport coffee, along with the ever-increasing demand has further made prices increase.
Shipping and Transport Shortages
There are various things that have affected supply chains for coffee all over the world. One of the primary negative impacters on shipping came in the form of the covid-19 pandemic, which caused massive disruption to global freight shipping in a very costly way.
For England in particular, Brexit has had a really tangible impact on lorry driving, which has of course caused delays and issues in the supply chain. With many of the lorry and HGV drivers in the UK being EU ex-pats, now legally less welcome on UK soil, the number of available drivers has dropped massively and is yet to recover. This lack of ability to transport coffee, along with the ever-increasing demand has further made prices increase.
The fact of the matter is that the world is changing all the time and the after-effects of shifts in the environment and industry can hit us in ways that we wouldn’t first expect.
Use ethical practices at every stage of the game, paying fair wages to our providers and working with environmental organizations like Rainforest Alliance to ensure that our coffee leaves behind a positive footprint on its way to your cup.
With all of the things that we do, we aim to keep our coffee reasonably-priced, so everyone can enjoy a delicious cup with the confidence that they’re contributing to something good. It may not be as cheap as we would like, but it sure as hell is worth the difference!